Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

P.S I Love You

Gue baru aja pulang nonton film “P.S I Love You” di Anggrek XXI. Dan gue rasa gue masih terhanyut dengan ceritanya. It’s just sooo beautiful! I cried 4 (or maybe 5? Can’t tell..) times when i watched this movie.

Gue gak akan ngebocorin jalan ceritanya dalam posting ini, ‘cause it will ruin all the surprises. Tapi yang jelas ini salah satu film yang bisa sangat mempengaruhi emosi gue. Setelah nonton film ini, gue jadi berpikir, maybe it’s okay to fight all the time with the one you love. Maybe it doesn’t always mean that you and him are not meant to be. Maybe sometimes it shows how you feel about each other.Maybe it even can make you get closer to each other, to know each other better.

Film ini terasa ‘dalem’ banget bagi gue karena hampir merefleksikan hubungan yang gue jalin sekarang (except the dying part,of course). All I want to say is that I, too, often argue with my boyfriend, sometimes we said cruel things too. But, after that, we ALWAYS hugged each other so close, said i’m sorry with tears in the eye, said I love you hundred times, and kissed too.

Kadang-kadang disaat-saat gue sendirian (seringnya sih saat gue mau tidur), gue suka berpikir sendiri dan bertanya ama diri gue sendiri. Kira-kira seperti apa hidup gue kalo tiba-tiba cowok gue, emm, hate to say this, meninggal? Dan biasanya pertanyaan gue ini dijawab dengan isak tangis gue sendiri yang entah muncul dari mana. Gue tahu gue seperti orang bodoh bertingkah seperti itu, but that’s how i feel. Gue gak bisa menyangkal kalo Zudy udah menjadi bagian terpenting dari hidup gue, bagian dari diri gue..

We grew up together.

We share everything in this 5 years. You name it, we had it all.

Gue gak bisa dan gak mau ngebayangin bagaimana hidup gue tanpa dia nantinya. Gue begitu terbiasa dengan semua hal tentangnya. His hug, his kiss, his smile, his laugh, EVERYTHING about him. Yang ingin gue tau adalah, kalo hal kejam itu bener-bener terjadi, how do I live my life?

Duh, kayaknya udah saatnya gue mengompres kepala gue dengan air dingin. Gue udah mulai terlalu ‘terbawa’ dengan film tadi. You HAVE to watch this movie!!! That’s the best advice i could give this time.

God, I MISS him..

(lg nunggu mw nonton film P.S I Love You di TA)

”It’s always something in the way, it’s always something getting through

Well it’s not me, it’s you..

Sometimes ignorance rings through, I hope it’s not what i know

It’s not in me, it’s in you..

It’s all I know..

And I find peace when I confuse, I find hope when I let down

But not in me, it’s in you..

It’s all I know in you..”

Switchfoot - You


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